Friday, December 12, 2014

Movie Poster Promo

In Mr. Sanderl's GT class we have started a new project, movie trailers. We are now working on the posters for our trailers. In my poster the main character you see is the Lady In White (Daileen Barton) . The Lady In White is a girl that is a spirit, although she is not like other spirits. She is dressed in white. She sneaks up on people at the most randomest times. 

The title of my movie poster is "The Lady In White". I made that are title because the lady in white is what are movie trailer is based on and because she is the main character. My text for my poster is a little scary looking just so that it matches the title. The text I have is the reviews, actors, productions, and of course the title. I also made it pop up a little bit and did some kerning to it. Kerning is a process that adjusts the space between each letters. Kerning should be used because it makes the text unique and different.

The overall impact of the layer effects and the filters on my poster made it way better. My layer effects made my poster look more interesting and one of a kind. The layer effects also made my poster easier to read and it made my text pop up. The filter that I used is a black and white one. I used that filter because it matched my poster really good and it made it look a little scarier.

Music Video Finale

P1T2 Baby from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo . It just hit me that this Music Video project will be the last big project we have ...