Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tiny Spherical Worlds

Another project?..... yes! The latest project that my GT class has been working on is spherical and polar panos. We are doing many of them; practices, school, and our final. When taking our pictures for our worlds, we have to take composite images. Composite images are when you take more than one photo but it has to be overlapping the previous photo you just took. The point of composite images is so that when photoshop does its things it can all be combined in a interesting manner. It will combine all of the pictures you took and combine them into one image. In our previous project we took composite images but in our photomontages you can actually see the different pictures because there bordered and our world images are all combined to one. Composite images make images look more abstract and surreal especially when we edit them. Most times they have a meaning, tells a story, or creates emotion.

The difference between polar and spherical panos is that polar panos include more sky then land, the land is directly in the middle but the sky takes up most of the space. It looks like your standing on top of your world for the polar portrait. Even without the portraits it still looks like your on top of your world because you can see everything like your in the sky. On the other hand, spherical panos are different than polar panos because the actual land space takes up most of the space and the sky is around it like a border. Also, it is different because instead of looking above your world the spherical effect makes like your actually on the land or in other words ground level. It looks like your looking up at the sky.
Lastly, the thing that makes my finished tiny worlds convincing is because of how it really stands out and how abstract and surreal it is. Also, it also is convincing because it reminds me to always follow my dreams even if they are SURREAL! I can do anything I set my mind too. This project was something that stood out because of it's features like the portraits and edits. Kind of like me, I always like to stand out and be different from the rest. To conclude, this project was not the easiest but I'm glad I got the opportunity to complete this because I think there is a message behind it. It was a great reminder for me especially this time of the school year!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Hockney Style Joiners

Our latest GT project that my class has been working on is photo montages. We are working on two examples, one as school pictures and one as are final which represents us. This project was inspired by David Hockney's work. His photomontages are different from mines because of course they are taken in different settings. But, he also takes more pictures than I do. In order to create a photomontage you have to take several pictures and then you combine them together. On the other hand, David takes about 100 more pictures as you can see in the picture below. I take roughly 25-50 pictures do to requirements.

Different images can have different meanings and can send positive and negative messages. Images can send positive and negative images by the emotion in the picture, if someone is smiling or laughing that sends positive messages but if the person looks angry or sad then that can send negative messages. Or if images are landscape or something else besides portraits they can send positive or negative messages by mabey the color of the sky, if there's bright blue skies with the lovely sun shining I would feel more happy and positive but if the sky is dark and stormy I would feel more on the negative side. Another example of sending a positive message is the filter like if the vibrance and exposure is up. If the filter is black and white I'd feel more sad and empty.  So overall, it depends on how to image looks.

Lastly, the message I intended my audience to see was a positve and inspried message. My photomontage is of the school campus to represent the person I am, hard working, determined , bright, happy, and joyful. School is also where I earn good grades to become smarter. I want my audience to be motivated and inspried to work hard and do well in school. I want them to know it's a safe place for anybody. To wrap things up, I just want my audience to feel happy and inspired when they look at my piece of art that I worked very hard on.:)

Music Video Finale

P1T2 Baby from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo . It just hit me that this Music Video project will be the last big project we have ...